Terraria (Wiki): Toxic Flask
Everything you need to know
General Information

Toxic Flask The Toxic Flask is a thrown Area Effect Magic Weapon that deals damage for 1s to 2s. The Mythical modifier is best incorporated as it provides the weapon with a wide array of stats growth. The Toxic Flask is good against crowds of enemies, although better options exist.
Type: Weapon
Type of Weapon: Others
Mode: Hardmode
Strengths & Weaknesses of the Toxic Flask
- Deals damage over time.
- Straightforward and beginner-friendly to use.
- Limited vertical throw range.
- Less effective against bosses.
- Fairly low drop rate despite the stats.
- Very slow use time.
How to get the Toxic Flask
Stats & Attributes of the Toxic Flask
General Type: Magic Weapon
Damage value: 52 Health Points
Rarity: Yellow
Knockback: 4
Sell-Value: 10 Gold Coins
Buy-Value: Not sold
Critical Size: 4%
Use Time: 45
Required Research: 1
Velocity: 14
Special Properties: None
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