Best Grappling Hooks in Terraria (2023)
My Favorite Items Listed:
Terraria (Wiki): Static Hook
Pro and Cons:
Strength • Two hooks can be fired, but only one is latched at a time. • Latching does not pull the player, unlike other hooks. • Players can adjust their distance from the latched point. • Players will not move while latching to a different point. • Longest range of any hook.
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Terraria (Wiki): Lunar Hook
Pro and Cons:
Strength • Can fire all hooks in rapid succession, regardless of whether the initial hook hits a block. This distinguishes it from most simultaneous hooks.
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Terraria (Wiki): Hook of Dissonance
Pro and Cons:
Strength • Teleports the player to the hooked location but not through blocks.
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Terraria (Wiki): Bat Hook
Pro and Cons:
Strength • Pulls in the user faster than any other hook (Old-gen console & 3DS versions)
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Terraria (Wiki): Dual Hook
Pro and Cons:
Strength • Glowing ends (red and light blue). • Can fire 2 times in rapid succession. • Two hooks can be fired, but only one may be latched at a time.